Hair transplantation BTM Layout Bangalore

Hair fall is a common problem observed in people, not just in India, but across the world. The reasons for this could vary from being genetic in nature to medical. Usually, many people ignore this condition in its early stages, leading to advanced stages of hair fall, that can cause severe thinning of hair and baldness. This can be a source of severe embarrassment. There is no cause for worry though as according to Dr. K.C. Dharam Kumar, Director of Skin O’ Hair Clinic in BTM Layout, Bangalore and a renowned Hair transplant doctor there is no need to worry as in the form of Hair Transplantation, there is a safe, proven and evidence-based surgery that can solve your problem of Hair Fall and return you back to your youthful best. Dr. Dharam Kumar, respected and recognized as the best surgeon for Hair implant in Bangalore explains that this surgery is more donor-dependent, i.e the best results of the surgery can be seen if healthy hair is selected and harvested from the rear portion of the head, sides of the head or the temporal part of the head. If required, grafts can be harvested from the beard area as well.

Am I eligible for Hair Transplantation?

Experts associated with Skin O’ Hair Clinic at BTM Layout, trusted by many as the best hair clinic in Bangalore emphasize on the fact that hair fall can be controlled during its very early stages, through the medical line of management. However, in severe thinning stage or at the stage of baldness, a Hair Transplant surgery is the best option to achieve a good coverage & permanent growth.

Additionally, you can consider a Hair Transplant surgery if you are:

  • Suffering from male pattern baldness
  • Women suffering from thinning of Hair.
  • You have suffered a considerable hair loss due to a burn or scalp injury.

What are the benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery?

Dr. K.C. Dharam Kumar, trusted widely as the best doctor for Hair Grafting in Bangalore is of the firm opinion that a Hair transplant surgery brings in good number of benefits to patients that include:

  • Long lasting results.
  • Day care surgery which is very safe.
  • Promotes a strong hair growth.
  • Helps you return to your very best appearance.
  • More cost-effective.
  • Very negligible pain and after effects.

Preparing for a Hair Implant in Bangalore

Eminent surgeon Dr. K. C. Dharam Kumar, known for best hair transplant in Bangalore indicates that this surgery can normally be performed in two ways:

  • FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation
  • FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction

The type of surgery is decided and explained to you by your doctor after assessing your condition and quantum of grafts required. Dr Dharam Kumar, the best hair transplant surgeon in Bangalore practices the FUE technique to provide the expected density and to create a hairline that looks completely natural and undetectable with zero linear scars and stitches.

Before the surgery

  • A detailed discussion with your surgeon.
  • Possible risks associated and recovery period will be explained.
  • A detailed study of your face and scalp area.
  • Physical examinations with blood test if required.
  • Signing your consent for surgery.
  • Physical fitness certificate from your surgeon to undergo the surgery.

During the Surgery

  • Day care surgery.
  • Performed under local/general anaesthesia.
  • Surgery duration is roughly 6-9 hours.
  • Areas where hair is to be extracted and transplanted is marked.
  • Hair is extracted either in single/multiple quantity and harvested where marked.
  • Pain free surgery.

After the surgery

  • Discharged the same evening.
  • Painkillers and Antibiotics will be provided for pain relief and preventing infections.
  • Follow-up visit the next day.
  • Doctor and staff will be available to clear all doubts and queries throughout.


  • Rest at home for a week.
  • Can have head bath after a week on the advice of your doctor.
  • Follow all instructions as indicated in your discharge summary.
  • Best results can be observed after a period of a year.
  • Any variations to be reported to your doctor immediately.

What is the cost of Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant cost in Bangalore depends upon the quantum of the grafts to be done, the time needed and the skillsets of the surgeon.

Why choose Skin O’ Hair Clinic for Hair Transplant Surgery?

At Skin O’ Hair Clinic, recognized by many satisfied patients as the best hair clinic in Bangalore, permanent results are what we aim at and continue to achieve the same.

When it comes to Hair Transplant in Bangalore that reflects class and perfection, the first name that comes up is that of Skin O’ Hair Clinic at BTM Layout, the best hospital for Hair Transplantation in Bangalore.

Dr. K.C. Dharam Kumar, Director and famous well-known Hair Transplant surgeon at Skin O’ Hair Clinic is trusted for his skills in surgical management and patient care. Not only has he successfully fulfilled the patient’s desires with his surgical finesse but also has taken care to see that the patient’s recovery is quick and fast after every major surgery.


Hair Loss can be a tricky situation to handle once it crosses the advanced stages. However, though there is a permanent solution available in the form of Hair Implant in Bangalore, it is best to arrest hair fall in the initial stages itself.

Meet Dr. K.C. Dharam Kumar at Skin O’ Hair Clinic at BTM Layout in Bangalore and welcome a new you with a professional Hair Transplant surgery

Dr. K C Dharam Kumar



Best dermatologist in BTM Layout | Dr K C Dharam Kumar is a leading dermatologist, cosmetologist and hair transplant surgeon from Bangalore. He has more than 10 years of experience in the medical field. He is the Director of Dr Dharam’s Skin O Hair Clinic, BTM layout, Bangalore and the Co-Director of Epiderma skin and hair clinic, Jayanagar,Bangalore.

Hair Transplantation Before and After

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Hair Transplant Procedure?
A: Hair Transplant is a surgery recommended by surgeons during advanced stages of hair fall. According to expert doctors in Hair Care, it is a permanent solution for severe thinning stage or the stage of baldness.

This process is done by retrieving healthy hair along with the root from the back portion of the patient’s head and sides of the head and then implanting them in the thinning area.

Q: Is Hair Transplant Surgery Safe?
A: Hair Transplant Surgery is normally a safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon with surgical brilliance and abundant experience.

Q: How much does a Hair Transplant Surgery Cost?
A: The Hair Transplant cost in Bangalore depends upon the quantum of the grafts to be done, the time needed and the skillsets of the surgeon.

Q: Why do Hair Transplants Fail?
A: While experts maintain that Hair Transplant is a safe surgery if it is performed by a skilled surgeon, there could still be certain reasons due to which the desired results may not be achieved like:

  1. Poor hair care after surgery
  2. Inexperienced surgeon

Q: Which is the best clinic for Hair Implant in Bangalore?
A: Led and managed amicably well by Dr. K.C Dharam Kumar, Director and well-known Hair Transplant surgeon in Bangalore, Skin O’ Hair Clinic at BTM Layout is preferred by many people who look for a high-quality Hair Transplant surgery. Well-equipped by latest medical and surgical equipment, the Clinic continues to bring smiles back on the faces of many individuals with high-quality Hair and Skin Care.